If you’re looking for a decent face scrub, try out the Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub.

Its for those with Normal to Oily Skin.

I was not too sure at 1st but gave it a try and im quite happy with it. It contains well – Neem.
Try googling Neem and you will know that its full of antibacterial and healing properties.

As for me it leaves my skin fresh. It can be a slightly dry at times but its not a problem. The scrub part comes from the Apricot granules, check out the attached pic.

Himalaya Neem Scrub R2

The product though affordable is slightly expensive. I dont know why Himalaya Malaysia products are expensive. Its certainly cheaper if you were to buy it in India or Singapore. Alternatively check out the Indian Shops in KL & Klang 🙂 – Probably Cheaper there. Not too sure about JB or Penang – Maybe someone can comment.

Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub
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