My Phone SD card was almost full, needed a replacement and came across this online,

For its price the Kingston 32GB @ RM42, was a pretty good deal,

Now the key to buying an SD card is its capacity & speed.

Capacity – Check weather your phone or device supports it, some phones only support 16GB or less, check if you have a SD slot in the 1st place!!! Some phones like the Iphones and the latest Samsung’s dont come with SD slots.


Speed – A lot of people arent aware of the SD card speed specifications, the same capacity could cost more with higher speeds and the reverse is also true. The one I purchased is class 10 – is at the top for normal speed class. In the past ive also used a Class 6 and wasnt a problem either. For the benefit of the readers look at the attached specifications and recommendations below.


My suggestion would be to get a Class 10 since SD cards are not expensive these days,

Kingston also comes with a lifetime warranty & finally there are a lot of fakes – buy from authorized distributors/sellers whenever possible.

[label variation=”label-info”]EDITOR’s NOTE – VERIFIED POST[/label]
Kingston 32GB MicroSD Class 10
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